Day 5 – Fast Day

Today is my second fast day. I woke up at 7am (so much for my weekend sleep in) and by 9am I’m already hungry.

I can already tell that trying to have my fast day on a day away from work is a bad idea. I have no distractions today so that could be a big issue.

I’ve decided to skip my breakfast meal this morning and instead have a more substantial dinner and tea.

Dinner Time – 12.30pm

Heinz Tomato soup – 236cals

Haven’t had soup in a while and it’s low in calories so I figured it’s worth a try. Usually when I have soup it’s with about 3/4 slices of bread so it’s not as filling as I would have liked. Still, better than nothing. Only just though.

Brew Time – 15:30pm

Tea, semi skimmed milk, 2 sweeteners – 12cals

This is a bit of a cheat. On fast days I should only really have black tea or coffee but that’s not something I’m used to yet. I’m sure after a few more weeks of Fasting and cutting out my sugar intake, this will become more easier.

Tea Time – 18:30pm

2 slices of medium brown wholemeal toast (no butter), half a tin of Branston beans and 1 slice of Dutch edam cheese – 400cals

If you imagine really hard for one moment, you will probably understand how depressing this meal looks. I mean, really depressing looking. Don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of beans on toast, but this is on a whole other level.

Calling this a low moment would be an exaggeration but this is probably the hardest I’ve found it so far. I hope this is more to do with bad meal/day planning than anything else but I guess I won’t know until my next fast day which is Tuesday.

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